(Salah al-khusama) done Last Friday of Ramadan (after jum'ah before maghrib)
by Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani
Before entering Jannah the removing of Ghill and "adversaries in litigation-(Salah al-khusama) done Last Friday of Ramadan (after jum'ah before maghrib) to be saved at maqam Qantarah-(the last check point place before trying to enter jannah)
Before entering Jannah the removing of Ghill and (Salat al-khusama) and to be saved at maqam Qantarah
"And We remove whatever (Ghill-rancour/holding a grudge, resentment) may be in their hearts.(which they had, if at all, in the life of this world); rivers flowing under them, and they will say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allah, Who has guided us to this, never could we have found guidance, were it not that Allah had guided us! Indeed, the Messengers of our Lord did come with the truth." And it will be cried out to them: "This is the Paradise which you have inherited for what you used to do." (7:43)
For those getting ready to enter Jannah, Allah will extract out that which is impure in their hearts, which is Ghill: “Ghill” is those resentments, which we have hidden deep in our hearts that we do not show. During life we collect resentments in our hearts. Sometimes we do not show our resentments but they reside deep within our hearts. These include the feelings of resentment aroused by envy especially when someone gets Allah’s favours. Those who disobey Allah and keep envy, arrogance and other negative emotions in their heart. Those doing so will be dipped in the fire of Hell to remove impurities of their hearts. Purification of the heart in should be do in this dunya, as only those with a cleansed and purified heart will enter Jannah.
The Boundary or Arch bridge (Qantarah)
The prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam said: “The believers will eventually be saved from the hell-fire and come to a boundary (Qantarah) between paradise and hell-fire. Here they will recompense one another for the injustices and crimes with which they transgressed each other in this world. Then when they are refined and cleansed, they will be admitted into paradise. By Him in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, one of you will know his place of residence in Paradise better than his place of residence in this world.” [Al Bukhari]
**The ritual prayer for one's adversaries in litigation (Salah al-khusama) Salah for last Friday of the month of Ramadan and be saved at maqam Qantarah**
(Salah al-khusama litigation means; The process of taking legal action, settling dispute, legal process, prosecution, bringing of charges)
After Praying for Litigation (Salah al-khusama) *see process below* this Salah is for the last Friday of the month of Ramadan, then he must donate the spiritual reward [earned by his performance of this prayer] to his adversaries in litigation [khusama'], so that Allah may satisfy their claim on the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyama].
The Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) has said: "When the believers cross [the traverse over] Hell-fire, they will be stopped at a (small arched bridge, Qantarah), before entering the Garden, and will be given (litigation) retribution for injustices between them until they become purified. Then they will be permitted to enter Jannah or Paradise. So, by the One in Whose Hands is my soul, they will know their way to their homes in Jannah, better than they know their ways to their homes in this world." [Al-Bukhari]
Thus, Al-Qantarah is a small bridge after the Sirat (the bridge) that the believers will have to cross before entering Jannah (Paradise). Allah, the All-Mighty, will ask the believers to settle their issues here (Litigation will being), right in front of the gates of the Paradise. And your good deeds will continue to go to the person you've wronged till they forgive you, and if you run out of good deeds, their bad deeds will go over to you. Now, is that fight really worth it? (Salah al-khusama) saves you from this and is this Salah is prayed on last Friday of the month of Ramadan..
Save yourself while you're still a traveller in this world and reconcile with the folks you know you need to. Send your apologies. Free yourself of this burden and save yourself before it's too late. (with Praying (Salah al-khusama) we will inshallah be saved from that station and distress.
*The ritual prayer for one's adversaries in litigation (Salah al-khusama) Salah for last Friday of the month of Ramadan) by Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani teaches Sunnah prayer, Salah al-Khusama, that is to be done on the last Friday of Ramadan.
It is a 4 raka’at prayer, done at one go with one salam at the end, that is done, so that the reward of it is donated to all people whom you have harmed and sinned against, so that Allah will use the reward to satisfy their claims on the Day of Resurrection, if He so wills. It is done as follows:
1st raka’at: Surah al-Fatihah, followed by Surah al-Ikhlas (Qul hu Allau ahad) 11 times
2nd raka’at: Surah al-Fatihah, followed by Surah al-Ikhlas (Qul hu Allau ahad) 10 times, and Surah al-Kafiroon, 3 times
3rd raka’at: Surah al-Fatihah, followed by Surah al-Ikhlas (Qul hu Allau ahad) 10 times, and Surah al-Takathur (Alha kumu takathur), 1 time. Surah al-Takathur Surah 102.
4th raka’at: Surah al-Fatihah, followed by Surah al-Ikhlas (Qul hu Allau ahad) 15 times, and Ayatul Kusi 1 time.
Then donate the spiritual reward of the performance of this prayer, to all those enemies or all people whom you have harmed and sinned against (adversaries in litigation) who will have a claim against you on Judgement Day, al-khusama, so that Allah ta’ala may satisfy their claim on the Day of Resurrection, Yawm al-Qiyamah, if Allah so Wills. (this will happen at maqam Qantarah)
This salat must be done on 7 specific occasions:
* First night of Rajab
* Night of the middle of Sha’ban (15th Sha’ban)
* Last Friday day of Ramadhan) - between Dhuhr and Asr
* Eid Fitr day (1st Shaawal)
* Eid Adha ( 10th Zulhijjah)
* Day of Arafah (9th Zulhijjah)
* On the day of Ashura (10th Muharram)
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